Wednesday, January 30, 2013


||| N E P T U N E || T H E A T R E ||| january 29, 2013 |||

the last song of the main set featured a gyrating, hip shaking, flailing j tillman (aka father john misty), commanding the stage while wrapping the microphone cord and stand around his neck and body. the stage lights flashed bright white in multiple angles and the band's sound became more vivid, cacophonous, and chaotic. i stood there with my mouth hanging open in a huge grin. what the fuck was i witnessing? it was bizarrely awesome!!! bravo FJM! BRAVO! fan for life. 

this pic was snapped by @livlemann and is the first of a new series for the cedra sessions. i'm snagging my favorite shot from shows that you all take and featuring it here. this one is a gem! nice work. if i'm not at the show with you, just add #cedrasessions to keep me in the loop!

Monday, January 28, 2013


photo by: eleanor petry

rose windows, 
you are crazy talented. i'm seduced by rabia qazi's deep + smooth vocals. each instrument and note woven together with perfection. this local band gives me that feeling that i have stumbled upon something really big. damn you, seattle...you have done it again! 

tomorrow night they will be opening up for 'father john misty' at the neptune theatre and i will be elbowing my way to the front row. perhaps i'll have to stash a flask so i don't miss a beat.
a review to follow. and there will be instagram shots i'm sure.

|||if you aren't following on instagram yet, the username is @cedrasessions of course||| 

take a listen at their single "war time lovers"


the babes over at sugarhigh + lovestoned have asked me to be a weekly guest blogger for them. i am flattered beyond words of course and can't wait to see where this collaboration takes me. first up: CHELSEA WOLFE. my current musical obsession. to see the full post (including a listen at one of her albums) and future posts each thursday just click >>>HERE<<<

photo credit: four///spin.com; one/three/four/five/six///Alexander Iezzi & Jordan Robin for dosier journal

Monday, January 21, 2013


there isn't really anything that i love more than bursting into my own version of an R&B song from the nineties. i've been known to spontaneously ignite into a heartfelt jam of "candy rain" by soul for real or "poison" by bel biv devoe at the most random times, with absolutely zero prompting. some find it a charming quality of mine. others, clearly have no taste. keith sweat "twisted"? i'm all over that. so when i saw this video for the first time i was all smiles. especially because it just so happens to contain one of my very favorite artists. so take a moment to watch this little tasty morsel. you won't be sorry. 

||| S E A W O L F |||

sea wolf + neil krug

god neil krug...you are a freakin' genius. i could get lost for days in your photographs + visions. luckily it is the perfect day for just that. a thick fog has been resting on the city for days now, obscuring the city lights and skyline. only a small break yesterday for an afternoon of sunshine and then the fog returned. at night it creeps down to the city streets, crawling through the alley ways. it's as romantic as it is chilling. perfect opportunity to get back to this blog world. 

you can now catch a weekly blog post every thursday from yours truly for sugarhigh + lovestoned. i've always admired these sexy ladies for their boldness and creative vision. so flattered that they have asked me to be a guest blogger for them. you can catch it >> H E R E <<

and to get lost in the land neil krug built go >>H E R E<<