the other lives 'tamer animals' {may 2011}

during a recent visit to maui, hawaii,i was cruising the twisting jungle roads on the way to brunch with two friends from boston. queueing up the ipod i was told that i had to listen to a new favorite band. the volume was turned up + the windows were down. as the title track came rolling out of the speakers i knew instantly that i needed to hear more from this stillwater, oklahoma based band. front man jesse tabbish's vocals are haunting, melodic, and dynamic (at times reminding me of the national, if the national were to team up with an orchestra that is). cello, hard drums, violin, and golden vocals...it's easy to see why bon iver and radiohead asked this band to tour with them over the last year. 'tamer animals' is a complete experience. start to finish this album is pure gold.

favorite tracks: tamer animals; dust bowl III; and desert.

are you intrigued yet? if so, start here >>----> http://otherlives.com/



breathe owl breathe “magic central” {2010}:
this is an album that caught my attention with the very first listen. from the warm vocals and charming lyrics to the frosty icicles clinging to the lead singers’ bushy beard i was captivated. breathe owl breathe hails from michigan and they are catching on in popularity around the united states. i can’t take credit for finding this gem…that goes to my dj friend leslie. take a moment to take a listen and i’m pretty sure you will agree that this album is easy to love. so dim the lights, get comfortable, take a deep breath in, and just marinate in the beauty of breathe owl breathe.
favorite tracks: own stunts; dogwalkers of the new age; house of gold; and swimming.

in love yet? if so,LISTEN HERE >>-------> http://www.g-rad.org/breatheowlbreathe/

1 comment:

  1. Northern Transmissions covers new music on a daily basis. It has a staff of roughly eight writers who all have a passion for various types of independent music. The site prides itself on being fiercely independent and honest in its coverage of albums. Album Reviews
